WPAS, Inc. believes it is important to be involved in the local community. The following are some of the organizations and causes that WPAS, Inc. is supporting.Washington Vaccine Association
The Washington Vaccine Association (WVA) is an independent, non-profit organization. The WVA was formed by the state legislature in March 2010 to help the state continue its universal purchase of vaccines for children under the age of 19.

Northwest Association of Administrators
The Northwest Association of Administrators (NWAA) monitors industry issues affecting Taft Hartley Trust Funds and TPA's, provides access to continuing education for advisors, and participates in the lobbying of important issues impacting Taft Hartley benefit trusts.

Machinists Guide Dogs of America Charity Golf Tournament
Machinists Union District Lodge 751 sponsors the tournament fundraiser for Guide Dogs of America. The California-based charity provides guide dogs and training free of charge to visually impaired people in the United States and Canada.

Washington C.L.U.B. Charity
C.L.U.B. - Contractors, Legislators, Unions and Business, raises money for local charities and fosters community within Washington's building and construction industry. All the funds benefit Holly Ridge Center in Bremerton, Children's Hospital in Seattle, and the Diabetes Research Institute.

Puget Sound Labor Agency
The Puget Sound Labor Agency (PSLA) provides essential services for union individuals and families in the Puget Sound area. The food bank, emergency assistance program, and residential wheelchair ramp program benefitted over 38,000 people from June 2010 to June 2011. PSLA serves the Seattle community through the generous support of workplace charitable campaigns, union members and organizations, United Way, foundation support, and individuals.